If you have any comment about this blog or want to contact us, please mail to:teroknor.blog@gmail.com

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  Terok Nor,http://cardassian.blogspot.com,一個記錄貓家人所見、所聞、所讀、所想、所知、所攝、所曉、所得、所敗的部落格,歡迎來此優游於貓爸媽的攝影空間與小傻的文字世界!

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 Welcome to Terok Nor. These are the voyages of Ariel Dukat and her family. Their whole life mission: To explore strange new worlds, to record the unexpectable life and journey of Dukat family,and to boldly go where no man has gone before.

 Please leave your message in here, I will get back to you soon. Thank you so much.

 If you have any further comment about this blog or want to contact us, please mail to:teroknor.blog@gmail.com


Almighty Demiurge said...


Ariel Tsai said...

To Almighty Demiurge: